The A1 Assessment of Compliance is the compliance program required to complete a trust account engagement.
The MyWorkpapers Assessment of Compliance program incorporates our revolutionary Customiser functionality, which intelligently builds and populates the procedures of the program based on the client profile ensuring that only the required procedures are displayed to the auditor for completion.
For more information on accessing and completing the Customiser please see here.
- In the A1 workpaper you will see the top navigation bar includes several tabs for each of the compliance areas. The tabs displayed are based on the responses to the Customiser questions. If you need to access tabs that appear off the scroll bar simply click on the back and forwards arrows to display them;
- To access the audit procedures for a particular area (e.g. Establishment of a General Trust Account), simply click on the tab and complete the questions by ticking the yes response, no response, or n/a response, adding in reference and/or comments as required;
- Once you have completed all of the questions, sign off the program using the sign-off area at the top.
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