To update a trial balance from Class, simply:
- Ensure you are in the Working Paper Index of the Fund you want to update the Trial Balance for;
- Click on the Trial Balance button;
- Click on the Import Trial Balance button;
- Select Class as your import source by clicking on the logo;
- Click the Establish Connection to Class Super button. If you have already logged into Class, you will skip these steps and go directly to Step 10;
- On the Import screen, enter in your Class username and password;
- Where applicable, you may be required to enter a security code for Multi-Factor Authentication as per the example below. Select Remember this device for 30 days to remember these details;
- Click Allow access;
- Click the Close button;
Click the Select Fund button;
- The Last fund imported will be automatically selected. To change to a different fund, click on the Pad lock icon next to business code to select the fund again;
Use Reset previously mapped values if you are re-importing your trial balance and you wish to simply update the values of the accounts without losing any work you have already completed.Note: Ensure Delete existing imported data is unticked. If you tick this all of your work will be deleted. (Only use this when you are changing the fund or importing into a brand new file).
Only use Set all adjusted accounts as unadjusted if you have used the Journal Entries Menu and have adjusted journals which are no longer required. - Click the Reimport from this fund button;
- You have now successfully reimported your Trial Balance from Class;
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