The purpose of this help guide is to walk you through the steps required to commence your first file using MyWorkpapers. MyWorkpapers is designed to be simple, efficient, and intuitive, and there are just a few easy-to-follow steps to get you underway.
These are:
- Firm set up
- File Creation and Planning
- Accounts, and Completion
Firm Setup
Before you create your first file, several setup tasks should first be completed. They don’t take long, and once complete you are ready to start creating, populating, and completing your file.
Review Firm Roles and Permissions
Roles and Permissions control which functions users can access, view and edit. Permissions are assigned to a role, then roles are assigned to users. Determine which of the standard roles apply to your firm, and edit the permissions for those roles. For detailed instructions on Roles and Permissions, click here.
Tips and Tricks: To change permissions for a role, click on the Edit tab within Roles and Permissions. If you cannot perform a function in a file, check your Role and Permissions.
Enter Staff and Assign Roles
Staff List is where you set up your staff as MyWorkpapers users. You can activate, suspend or delete users, and assign them a role. Each staff member must have an individual email address as this is used for their login. Note: Once chosen, email addresses cannot be amended. When first set up, a user’s password will be emailed to them. For detailed instructions on adding staff, click here.
Tips and Tricks: MyWorkpapers will generate a random password, or you can enter your own. On the first login, new staff should change their password to something they will remember. To change your password, click on your name in the ribbon and select My Profile. You can suspend or delete staff members. you can assign them a new role.
Enter Client Details
Every file you create requires a client.
Clients can be accessed from the My Files menu. For detailed instructions on adding and managing Clients, click here.
Once the Client Type has been set you can enter and create Client Logins. Creating Client Logins gives your clients access to the Client Portal. Clients can use their logins to access the Client Portal where they can view and respond to any queries that have been created for files. Clients also can add their queries and upload documents. For detailed instructions about the Client Portal, click here.
Tips and Tricks: You can set the default file template, as well as the default engagement team on the Defaults tab. When you create a new file, you can create a new client “on the fly” and add details later.
Optional: Activating Integrations
Cloud integrations:
MyWorkpapers integrates with the following cloud software:
- Xero
- QuickBooks Online
- Iris
- Sage Accounting
- Forbes Computer Systems
These do not need any setup and can be accessed directly from the trial balance. However, if you wish to reset your logins please refer to the image below.
Desktop integrations:
MyWorkpapers integrates with IRIS Accounts Production, and Forbes Accounts desktop software. To integrate with these accounting packages, you must activate this integration. This is a one-off process and will require Master Access in your accounting package.
For detailed instructions about Activating Integrations, click here
Note: This image includes all available integrations.
Tips and Tricks (Desktop integrations only): When activating desktop integrations, you will be required to add a private user key to your accounting package. This key will be attached to the individual user who activated it in MyWorkpapers. Deleting this user from MyWorkpapers will result in the loss of integration. To reactivate the integration, add another user’s private integration key into your accounting package. This only applies to desktop integrations; other integrations are accessed directly in files.
Optional: Manage/Customise Templates
MyWorkpapers offers Mercia templates with integrated content.
Exempt files have the following standard templates:
- Limited Companies
- Unincorporated Business
Audit files have the following standard templates:
- Limited Companies
- Limited Liability Partnerships
- Academies
- Charities
- Pension Schemes
- Solicitor Accounts
Any of these can be used when creating a file. Alternatively, your firm can choose to create its customised firm template based on Mercia templates, or your own content.
You can manage and build your templates in Manage Templates. For further information on how to create and customise firm templates, click here
Note: If you would like to keep Mercia content but want to make changes to it; copy the content from any template purchased and edit this to your desired format in the Manage Templates section.
File Creation
Having completed the Firm setup tasks, you are ready to create and populate your first file and complete the planning activities.
Create a new file
To create a new file, go to the My Files menu and select New File. Select the appropriate file template, enter the Client Name, trading name if applicable, and enter the file period. Check the box to accept the terms and conditions, and click Create New File.
Your new file is now ready to be populated. The next step is to import the Trial Balance. For detailed instructions on creating a new file, click here.
Note: It is possible to create a client from the New File location. Simply type the new client name into the client section and click Create. Additional client details will need to be added in the Clients page. If you are using the IRIS integration this client will need to be linked to the client in IRIS Accounts Production. See the integration help guide for more information on linking clients.
File Engagement Team
After the file has been created, you need to add the file Engagement Team. This can be accessed from My Files. Insert the client/file name in the search bar and click search. This will list the files (and their details) to the right. Add your Engagement Team. You can amend your team’s role-specific to the file.
NOTE: The permissions have been pre-set to each role previously.
For a step-by-step guide on how to set up an engagement team and amend the permission on the engagement team, click here.
Note: If a staff member is restricted from certain actions in the file but has the required firm-level permission, ensure they have not been restricted in the engagement team role.
Import Trial Balance
Having opened your new file, select Trial Balance from the main menu. Select Import Trial Balance.
Importing via Desktop Software
If you are using IRIS Accounts Production, QuickBooks, Xero, Sage Accounting or Forbes Accounts, this can be done through Integration. For a step-by-step guide on how to import a trial balance from the integration click here and follow step 3 onwards. Note; this is the process to export the trial balance from the desktop software.
Importing via CSV
If you are using a CSV file import please click here. The first time a new Accounting Structure (i.e. Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet view) is used it will require you to map the trial balance. This mapping can then be saved and used to auto-map CSVs from then on. To learn more about Accounting Structures and mapping Trial Balances click here.
Activate the Customiser
After completing the trial balance import (and the mapping process) access the Customiser to add and remove appropriate workpapers from the file. This option will ask a few questions about your file accounts and remove all unrequired workpapers. The Customiser can be located at the right of the Working Paper Index.
Note: Although the Customiser has been completed, it is still possible to change your answers and the Working Paper Index will update accordingly. All hidden workpapers can be viewed at any time from the Options | Show workpapers hidden by Customiser.
Complete a Planning Checklist
Once the steps above are completed, planning can begin. The Planning section is located in the B folder section for Mercia. This will differ for your firm if you have customised your template. To complete the Planning Checklist just tick to complete procedures and reference any supporting documents, adding comments when needed. For more information on completing a Planning Checklist click here.
Note: All unrequired procedures will be removed through the Customiser. If inapplicable questions still show in the Checklist, please check the Customiser
Audit Only: Complete B41 Materiality
MyWorkpapers materiality provides you with an automated, but highly flexible, workpaper ensuring that you can effectively apply your professional judgment.
Materiality can be found in form B41. For a step-by-step guide on completing B41 click here.
Note: Materiality figures will pull from the trial balance and mapping. If a figure does not match the expected amount, please check the mapping to ensure the correct accounts are mapped.
Audit Only: Create and complete the B33 Audit Plan
Within the Audit template, you can create an Audit Plan. This is located within the Mercia templates for Limited Companies, Charities, Academies, Limited Liability Partnership, and Pension Schemes).
The Audit Plan will generate from the trial balance and B41 Materiality. All figures flow through to the B33 Audit Plan. Risk and material figures can be added in this section. For a step-by-step guide on filling out the B33 click here.
Note: The B33 Audit Plan will pull through all applicable areas from the programs in the client file. If a section is not displayed, please make sure you have not deleted the program.
Accounts and Completion
Having completed the File Creation and Planning, you are ready to begin your accounts and completion; and accumulation of supporting documentation. Completing these tasks will ensure your audit/accounts are complete and compliant. For further information on Accounts and Completion click here.
Lead Schedules and Tick Marks
Accessing a Lead Schedule, and reviewing these often will ensure figures in your accounts are accurate and checked. Comments and references can be included in Lead Schedules. For further information on Lead Schedules click here.
MyWorkpapers also has generic Tick Marks that can be added for your review of the Lead Schedule. For further information on Tick Marks click here.
Note: You can customise your Tick Marks for your firm.
Upload Supporting Documents
Supporting Documents can be uploaded into the Working Papers Index, and referenced in the workpapers with a simple drag and drop process. For more information on uploading supporting documents click here.
Note: Several types of Supporting Documents can be uploaded including Word, PDF, Excel, and Microsoft emails. If you have difficulty downloading the document, please check the saved location. Documents saved on a cloud location or zipped will need to be re-saved on the computer, before being uploaded.
Add a New workpaper
New workpapers can be added to the file if more information is required for completion. There is a range of workpaper types that can be included, edited, and referenced. For more information on adding a new workpaper click here.
Note: New Workpapers also include adding a new folder, program/checklist, and analytical reviews.
Adjustments to the trial balance can be made within MyWorkpapers. Changes are made using the Journal Entries within the file. For users with the IRIS Integration enabled, journals will automatically be updated in your accounting package. For more information on making a journal adjustment click here.
Note: For users with the IRIS Integration enabled, the adjustment will automatically flow through if the journal is set to adjusted. It will not be showing in the accounts until you have opened your posting screen.
Complete Programmes and Checklists
Mercia Programmes and Checklists are included in MyWorkpapers. This includes a section for comments, referencing, and tick-boxes that confirm they are complete. For more information on Programmes and Checklists, and their functions click here.
Note: Programmes and checklists can be customised for individual files or at a template level (with permission). All MyWorkpapers templates come with Mercia programmes.
Completing and signing off a workpaper
A completed workpaper - adequately prepared and reviewed is ready to be Signed Off as completed. This will result in the workpaper being marked as completed and locked down from any further work.
For more information on signing off a workpaper click here.
Note: Dates of Completed Workpapers can be amended by clicking on the date below the completed box.
Client Queries
Queries can be raised within the file which the client can access and reply to using the Client Portal. Clients can be notified via email when a new query has been raised and can attach supporting documents for reference. For more information on the client, queries click here.
Note: You can receive email notifications from the client when they have raised or responded to a query via the client portal.
Assign Review Points to Staff
Review Points can be assigned at any time; ensuring task and review actions are set for key staff throughout the engagement. Once a Review Point has been created it will show on your dashboard under the review section.
For further information about setting up a review point and filtering them click here.
Note: You can only set a Review Point to an engagement team member associated with the file. To see how to add staff to the engagement team please, refer to the engagement team section [p8] for more information.
Complete and Archive a File
Once you have completed all areas of your file, you are then ready to complete and archive the file. Go to the File drop-down option, under Complete & Archive.
A partner will be required to tick that all work is completed, and set a date for the file to be locked down. When this date has passed, the file will be locked and accessible in read only mode. For further information on how to fill out the Complete & Archiving section in a file click here.
Note: Once a File has been completed and archived it will no longer be editable. To edit an archived file, you need to contact MyWorkpapers by email with partner consent to request that the file be un-archived.
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