Our Microsoft Office Online integration allows you to view and edit both Word and Excel documents from within MyWorkpapers, in your browser.
- Getting started
- Previewing documents
- Editing documents
- Hyperlinking to other parts of the file
- Saving and Version History
Please also visit our other Office Online help centre articles and the Microsoft help centre.
Getting started
Microsoft Office Online has been automatically enabled for all users, meaning there is nothing else to do. Before you get started, you should note the following important information:
- Previewing Word and Excel documents is free of charge and enabled for all users
- Editing Word and Excel documents in Office Online requires an active Office 365 licence.
- All data is saved and stored on the MyWorkpapers servers, but is temporarily sent to Microsoft. For more details on data storage please visit the Microsoft Office Online FAQs page.
- Only .docx and .xlsx files are able to be edited using Office Online.
- Office .doc or .xls formats will need to be converted to .docx and .xlsx formats before you are able to edit them in Office Online. This can be done directly in Office Online.
Previewing documents
The Office Online document preview allow you to view word and excel documents without downloading them or opening them in Office Online.
The preview automatically displayed on the Workpaper Summary page for .doc, .docx and .xlsx file formats. The preview is not compatible with .xls files.
The Office Online preview is available to all MyWorkpapers users free of charge and does not require an Office 365 licence.
To preview documents:
- Open the Workpaper Summary page for any Word or Excel document by clicking on the document description from the Working Paper Index
- The preview will automatically be displayed for valid file formats
- Click Full Screen to view the document in full-screen mode
- Press Escape on your keyboard to exit full-screen mode
Note: You cannot edit the document from the preview, you must either download the document or open it in Office Online to edit it
Editing documents
Before editing a document in Office Online, you must ensure that:
- The file is saved in the Working Paper Index in MyWorkpapers
- The file is saved or converted to a .docx or .xlsx format
- .xlsx files are less than 5MB in size
- The document has not been checked out by another user
- You have an active Office 365 subscription
To edit documents in Office Online:
- On the Workpaper Summary page, click Open in Office Online
- If you are not already signed in to your Office 365 account, sign into your Microsoft account
- Once you have logged in, you will be redirected to your document Office Online
- Edit the document as required
NB: All changes are automatically saved
- You will be redirected to the Workpaper Summary page, where all of your changes have been saved
Important notes
- Multiple users can simultaneously edit a document in Office Online.
- If you are editing a document in Office Online, other users cannot Check out, Replace or Restore older versions of the document. Once you have finished editing the document in Office Online, these features will be re-enabled.
Hyperlinking to other parts of the file
You can also add hyperlinks in your Office online documents to link to other workpapers or supporting documents in your file.
To add a Hyperlink into your worksheet in Office online:
1. Right client on the cell into which you wish to add the link and Select Hyperlink from the drop-down menu.
2. Enter the display text and the URL of the link you wish to create.
3. Your Hyperlink will now be active. you can access this link from both the preview and from the Office online document itself.
Saving and Version History
All changes made in Office Online are automatically saved. However, when you have finished making all of your edits, you need to close the Office Online file by either:
- Pressing X on the Office Online tab.
Once you have closed the Office Online file a new version will be created in the Workpaper History.
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