To create a monthly file, you must first have created a year-end file. If you do not know how to create a year-end file, please follow the link below on creating a new file.
Once the year-end file has been created to create a monthly file complete the steps below:
1. Click on My Files.
2. Search for your year-end file in the search filter and click on it to show the details of the file.
3. Within the file details on the right you will see a tab called Period Workpapers File which can be opened by clicking the expand arrow on the right.
4. To create a new monthly file - click the New Monthly File
5. Select the appropriate File Workpaper Pack, confirm the Year End File is the correct one, and finally select the Month which is required.
Note: The year end file will default to the client selected in step 2
- Accept the user agreement and click Create New File
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