- Browser Support.
- Accessing the PDF Editor
- Editing PDF Documents using the PDF Editor
- Finalising the PDF edit
Our PDF Annotations functionality will allow PDF documents uploaded to MyWorkpapers to better connect with other sections of the Engagement File. It can be accessed from within the Preview screen in all PDF documents in your engagement files.
This article will explain how to access PDF Edit, the editing options available, and how to save these references for further use in your files.
Browser Support
Supported browsers for editing PDF documents include Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari
Editing PDF documents is not available if using Internet Explorer.
Accessing the PDF Editor
Please ensure that you check the Roles and permissions to ensure you have sufficient permissions to Edit PDF Documents.
To access the PDF Editor, simply upload your PDF files via the usual methods of Dragging and Dropping into the Working Paper Index, or by sending to the Working Paper Index from another section of your file.
Once the document is uploaded, open the document from the Working Paper Index to access the PDF preview.
In the preview screen, the document can be searched for key words with the Magnifying Glass icon, and any existing edits can be searched via the Comments icon.
Editing PDF Documents using the PDF Editor:
To Commence Editing your PDF document, select the Edit button:
This will open the PDF Annotations tool, allowing the PDF document to be edited.
Annotation options and functionality.
The PDF annotation tool contains several options to allow the document to be edited.
You can select the Edit options from the bar along the top of the page, and choose from the following options:
- Sidebar (including referencing and tickmarks)
- View
- Annotate
- Shapes
- Insert
The erase and undo options are available whenever the Editor is open.
- Annotate:
For annotations, including highlighting, notes, text and freehand.
- Shapes:
For drawing shapes, arrows, underlines and freehand.
- Insert:
For inserting images, rubber stamps, file attachments, callout boxes, and signatures.
Signatures can be uploaded, drawn or typed.
Referencing and Tickmarks.
The sidebar on the left can be used to add tickmarks and references to other workpapers in the file. It can be opened when the document is in Edit mode.
Scroll through the workpapers in the file and select any workpaper to add a reference to the PDF document. once the document has been saved, these references can be searched and they also function as Hyperlinks to the document selected.
Click the Tickmark option to scroll and add any tickmarks to the document.
Drag references and tickmarks to their desired location in the document.
Saving and Finalising the PDF annotations.
To save the changes to the PDF document, select the stop editing button.
Please aware that this is required to save changes to the document.
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