MyWorkpapers is pleased to announce the following updates made on our platform.
Completion Statistics - The completion statistics for all sign-off levels can now be viewed at the Folder and file-level. This enables a more complete view of the status at each stage.
PDF annotation roll forwards - PDF Files now rolled forward will retain the annotations into the new file.
PDF annotations will no longer change file names when edited - PDF will no longer update the name of the file in the working paper index when edited with the PDF editor.
Bug Fixes
[AU] Materiality not calculating in decimal percentage - Materiality working paper will now calculate the percentage using decimal points value.
[UK] My Files search filter allowing search via file type - The ability to filter the file type has been restored to the My Files search bar.
Periodic Files (Monthly and quarterly) - The Year to date (YTD) View will now show correctly on the Lead Schedule and Lead Schedule Summary.
[AU] BGL Simple fund 360 - Clients with the same name are now allowed when importing clients via the API.
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