We are pleased to announce the following updates
HAT Corporate Audit
This update sees the initial release of our HAT Audit content, starting with Corporate Audit. Further details will follow via social media and other streams with regards to its release
Mercia Academies 2021.07
The Mercia Academies template has been updated to its most recent version.
Mercia Charities
Workpapers A25 has been updated as the headings on some of the areas of this workpaper were not in line with the correct areas to type answers.
Mercia Limited Companies
Under advisement, the PF1-5 is no longer part of our customiser. Though related to Groups this workpaper should be filled out for subsidiaries, and therefore should not be removed by the relevant customiser question.
K Section will now be shown by default and not require a lead schedule to activatee it, this is due to the sometimes unique and complicated nature of the area.
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