Release 24.2.0 Release notes:
MyWorkpapers is pleased to announce the following updates made on our platform.
- Assign a file - enhancements to the previously released feature with UI improvements, and easier selection of members of the engagement team
- 6 Member SMSF (AU) - the UI has been updated within the client area for SMSF clients whereby you are now able to add additional members, remove, and update their details. The same UI has also been updated for the trustees.
- Dual Codes - Added elements of our upcoming Dual Codes feature to the system, these are intended as placeholder for the time being and not intended for general use at this time, these include:
- selecting the account production system within the firm settings
- selecting the bookkeeping system for the client within "Advanced options" when creating or rolling forward a file
- selecting the source bookkeeping system during CSV import.
Improvements/Bug fixes
- An issue with rolling forward Monthly and Quarterly files related to subscriptions has been resolved, allowing those affected to now roll forward as normal.
- Resolved an issue with rolling forward files when only 1 file is remaining on the subscription.
- Fixed an issue where some uploads were not checking letter casing and causing a bug where workpaper became linked and unusable.
- Fixed issues with the BGL XML import mapping.
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