24.3.0 Release notes:
MyWorkpapers is pleased to announce the following updates made on our platform.
- 2FA app - functionality for linking 2FA to an authenticator app instead of email
- Dual code via integration - Xero import will now work with our dual code feature
- Improvements to drag and drop file upload - when dragging and dropping multiple supporting documents into your file you will now have the option to change the references on upload before completing the upload
- Divider workpaper types - we have introduced divider workpaper types, these can be used within folders via the new workpapers functionality, allowing you to create headers within folders to display workpapers and supporting documents in groups
- File details button in the file drop down now loads the specific file, not all the files for that client
- Workflow manager archived file - Archived files are now hidden by default, there is a tickbox in the settings that can bring them back in
- UI fix on the workpaper index and improvement to the cog icon needing to be clicked to open, meaning the drop downs wont open and close when scrolling the page
Improvements/Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where hyphens in a journal description were preventing drilling down into journals
- Fixed a UI issue where the manage workpaper pop out on the working paper index would go behind other elements
- Bulk Trial Balance actions will now work for all functions after the Trial Balance sorting has been changed
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