B40 Audit Plan (UK Only)
Now that you have imported the client trial balance into MyWorkpapers, you are then able to fully utilise the intelligence and integration of our RiskFlow content, including the B40 Audit Plan. The RiskFlow Audit Plan combines both the old B32 Risk Assessment and B40 Audit Plan into one place, with full integration with the MyWorkpapers Trial Balance, Materiality workpaper, Lead Schedules, Audit Programs and Completion Report. The RiskFlow system automates and systemises your audit process allowing you to have dataflow rather than data entry. If you ever need a copy of the old B32 Risk Assessment or B40 Audit Plan we have created copies of these in the new template titled Superseded workpapers. If you would like to continue to use these forms you can by simply copying them into your firm template or audit file by using the MyWorkpapers Copy Workpapers function. For more information on how to copy workpapers, please click here. In the following pages we will guide you on how to create and use the new B40 Audit Plan and how it integrates with other aspects of your audit file for an efficient audit.